In this meditation, we let all becoming rest in being. Longing comes to rest in its source. Desire is the movement of our longing towards an object and leads to pleasure. Meditation is the subsidence of our longing in the subject and leads to peace and joy. If we are expecting something to appear, it may appear in the future, but it would also disappear at some point. Everything that appears must disappear and therefore cannot possibly lead to lasting peace or happiness. What we are expecting to happen is already happening, already present, but veiled by our expectation. Thinking and perceiving do not create the world, they simply make reality look like a world. We are literally the eyes and ears of God. We are the agency, the activity – not the entity – through which God realizes its infinite potential in form. There are no entities, no objects, no selves. There is one infinite, indivisible whole.
Duration: 01:19:14