Just allow your experience to be exactly as it is. Notice that whatever we are experiencing, we feel that ‘I am experiencing it’, but the content of our experience obscures the simple fact of being. Some of us will be resting in the ‘I am’ as the ‘I am’, but others amongst us may be restless, agitated, bored or sad. Say to yourself, ‘I am’, and allow yourself to be drawn into that to which we refer when we say simply ‘I am’. Instead of losing your self in the content of experience, come back to and rest in your self. The ‘I am’ is inherently free of all feelings or qualities, thus its nature is peace. Notice two things: one, that we have not manipulated the content of our experience in any way, and two, that as a result of this contemplation, we have not become something that we were previously not. Meditation is not what we do, it is what we are, so true meditation doesn't come to an end. We simply remain as that.
Duration: 01:10:06