Tying this meditation to world affairs on the eve of the election in the US, Rupert guides us to 'Know Thyself'. Our understanding of our self determines our attitudes to and relationships with our families, friends, and the world. The two fundamental components of this understanding are 'Being is happiness' and 'Being is shared'. The understanding of our shared being is the foundation for happiness in the individual and for any truly civilised society. For one’s own sake, and for the sake of the world, there can be no higher investigation than the exploration of our self or being, and no higher knowledge than its recognition. To know oneself is, as such, to serve the world.
Duration: 01:18:19
Audio cuepoints
To Know Thyself Is to Serve the World
Duration: 01:18:20
Tying this meditation to world affairs on the eve of the election in the US, Rupert guides us to 'Know Thyself'. Our understanding of our self determines our attitudes to and relationships with our families, friends, and the world. The two fundamental components of this understanding are 'Being is happiness' and 'Being is shared'. The understanding of our shared being is the foundation for happiness in the individual and for any truly civilised society. For one’s own sake, and for the sake of the world, there can be no higher investigation than the exploration of our self or being, and no higher knowledge than its recognition. To know oneself is, as such, to serve the world.