This contemplation begins with the question, 'What is it that is aware of my experience?' It is seen clearly that the knowledge of 'myself' can be discerned amidst all experience and that there is no path 'from myself to myself'.
Duration: 01:12:56
In What Does My Experience Appear?
This exploration leads to the discovery of 'myself', the medium in which all thoughts, sensations and perceptions appear.
Duration: 22:47
Where Do Thoughts Come From?
A question about the source of thoughts leads to the recognition that nothing is experienced outside the field of awareness.
Duration: 10:49
Transparent Peace Shines Through Experience
Rupert elaborates on the reason it takes time for peace to filter in from the background to the foreground of experience.
Duration: 04:55
Audio cuepoints
The Only Absolute Knowledge
Duration: 01:12:57
This contemplation begins with the question, 'What is it that is aware of my experience?' It is seen clearly that the knowledge of 'myself' can be discerned amidst all experience and that there is no path 'from myself to myself'.
In What Does My Experience Appear?
Duration: 22:46
This exploration leads to the discovery of 'myself', the medium in which all thoughts, sensations and perceptions appear.
Where Do Thoughts Come From?
Duration: 10:50
A question about the source of thoughts leads to the recognition that nothing is experienced outside the field of awareness.
Transparent Peace Shines Through Experience
Duration: 04:56
Rupert elaborates on the reason it takes time for peace to filter in from the background to the foreground of experience.