Just as a line drawn on a screen cannot truly divide what remains forever one, the apparent divisions in reality never fragment its essential unity. Moving beyond all practices and techniques that suggest a path from many to one, we are invited to recognise that we already are the one infinite being. The familiar sense ‘I am’ is not a personal experience but the one reality’s knowledge of itself, shining timelessly as our own most intimate knowing. Like infinite space that is not truly divided by the walls of rooms, our being is not truly divided into separate selves. In letting all seeking come to rest, we discover that what we are searching for is already here, expressing itself as the simple, ordinary feeling ‘I am’ – the beacon through which time dissolves into eternity.
Duration: 01:00:02
Audio cuepoints
The One’s Knowledge of Itself
Duration: 01:00:02
Just as a line drawn on a screen cannot truly divide what remains forever one, the apparent divisions in reality never fragment its essential unity. Moving beyond all practices and techniques that suggest a path from many to one, we are invited to recognise that we already are the one infinite being. The familiar sense ‘I am’ is not a personal experience but the one reality’s knowledge of itself, shining timelessly as our own most intimate knowing. Like infinite space that is not truly divided by the walls of rooms, our being is not truly divided into separate selves. In letting all seeking come to rest, we discover that what we are searching for is already here, expressing itself as the simple, ordinary feeling ‘I am’ – the beacon through which time dissolves into eternity.