First, we point out the fact of simply being that lies behind all experience. Then, we recognise that being not only lies behind but permeates all experience. Later, we collapse the distinction between the background of being and the foreground of experience. In the experience of the body, understand and feel the sensations as the foreground of our experience and feel that the fact of simply being lies behind or underneath the sensations. See that the old image of a physical body appearing in space is not consistent with our experience. Sensations that we will later conceptualise as ‘the body’ doesn't even have a density to it. ‘Density’ is a concept that thought superimposes on to our raw experience. This paves the way to feel the body in a way that is consistent with this new understanding. The body is free, is one with the universe. It is the universe.
Duration: 59:47
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The Body Is the Universe
Duration: 59:47
First, we point out the fact of simply being that lies behind all experience. Then, we recognise that being not only lies behind but permeates all experience. Later, we collapse the distinction between the background of being and the foreground of experience. In the experience of the body, understand and feel the sensations as the foreground of our experience and feel that the fact of simply being lies behind or underneath the sensations. See that the old image of a physical body appearing in space is not consistent with our experience. Sensations that we will later conceptualise as ‘the body’ doesn't even have a density to it. ‘Density’ is a concept that thought superimposes on to our raw experience. This paves the way to feel the body in a way that is consistent with this new understanding. The body is free, is one with the universe. It is the universe.