Yoga meditation is the way that we realign the way we feel the body and perceive the world. This deep exploration of the nature of the body is the equivalent, at the level of the body, to self-enquiry, at the level of the mind. We experience the body in four ways: thoughts, images, sensations, and perceptions. Leave the thoughts and images of the body on one side – these are not actually experiences of the body. The actual experience of the body is the way we feel the body from the inside – sensation. This sensation is known – we are aware of it. See that that it is not just known by awareness, it is experienced in awareness. Ask yourself, ‘In my actual experience, is there anything to the sensation other than the experience of sensing?’ Without reference to thoughts or memory, ‘Do you have any experience of time?’ The Big Bang was not a physical event that happened thirteen-point-eight billion years ago; it is a cognitive event that is happening all the time.
Duration: 01:48:06