Be aware of the entirety of your experience without any attempt to change it. Be aware of your experience of the body, of whatever thoughts, images or memories that may be present, of any feelings or emotions that may be present. Be aware of simply being – it is not a new experience that we have; it is our constant experience. The experience of simply being as an utterly unique experience, one that has no objective features. Because simply being is the ever-present background of our always-changing experience, it doesn't matter what the content of our experience is. Not only is no turning away from experience necessary but no manipulation of experience is necessary. Nothing needs to change. If anything is required at all, it is just the noticing of being. Meditation or prayer is simply the art of not allowing experience to obscure the shining of being. Meditation is what we eternally are.
Duration: 01:08:21
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Meditation Is What We Eternally Are
Duration: 01:08:22
Be aware of the entirety of your experience without any attempt to change it. Be aware of your experience of the body, of whatever thoughts, images or memories that may be present, of any feelings or emotions that may be present. Be aware of simply being – it is not a new experience that we have; it is our constant experience. The experience of simply being as an utterly unique experience, one that has no objective features. Because simply being is the ever-present background of our always-changing experience, it doesn't matter what the content of our experience is. Not only is no turning away from experience necessary but no manipulation of experience is necessary. Nothing needs to change. If anything is required at all, it is just the noticing of being. Meditation or prayer is simply the art of not allowing experience to obscure the shining of being. Meditation is what we eternally are.