Wherever we go, being is present. It doesn't matter if thinking or any other experience is present. We are always present in the midst of experience. When we become fascinated by the pleasant, unpleasant or boring content of experience, we overlook the presence of our being. Just as our body accompanies us wherever we travel, we take our self with us. Yet we never really go anywhere. Experience flows through us, we do not flow in experience. When we are lost in the content of experience, it seems being is insubstantial or ephemeral, but it is the only stable element of experience and only ephemeral when compared to the certainty of being. Experience always changes; being never does. Being is the place of refuge, a causeless peace, prior to the content of experience. Like Ariadne’s golden thread, ‘I am’ leads out of the maze of experience into the chamber of peace. Unlimited being is the background of all limited experiences.
Duration: 01:09:40