The thought ‘I am’ refers to the experience of being. And the reason we can make the statement ‘I am’ with absolute certainty is because we are aware of being. This awareness is self-knowing, needing no action to know itself, perpetually shining through our experiences, though often veiled by thoughts and feelings. Being requires no maintenance. We overlook being, forgetting its inherent peace and joy, and embark on a search for these qualities externally, but they reside within us, in being itself. ’I am’ is the same for all, unqualified by status or roles. Our essential being is impersonal and infinite, always present beneath the layers of experience. No practice is required. Our naked being is not truly veiled by experience, since all experience is being itself. When our belief in separateness subsides, the nature of being becomes apparent, and there’s no longer a need to manipulate attention or experience. We are the infinite being, effortlessly at peace.
Duration: 59:21