How would you define the essence of your expression of non-duality in a simple statement?

How would you define the essence of your expression of non-duality in a simple statement?


Our nature is pure, unclouded awareness-God-love, or whatever words describe it that everyone is comfortable with. Love (our essence) is not a definable thing. It is beyond the realm of our habitual thoughts-feelings-actions, yet within this awareness, our thoughts-feelings-actions originate. After watching your videos on Stillness Speaks and reading your books, I wonder how, coming as close as possible with words, you would define in a quick, simple statement the core essence of your teachings and the way to get there. If what I’m asking is inappropriate, or my timing is wrong, my apologies. I’ve never done this before.



Dear Dave,

Your question is neither inappropriate nor ill-timed. The essence of this teaching is precisely the ‘pure, unclouded awareness-God-love’ that you cite.

Without a question there is no teaching. There is only this pure, unclouded awareness-God-love, knowing/being/loving itself. A question is like a bucket that is dipped into this ocean of pure, unclouded awareness-God-love. What comes out is intimately and uniquely tailored to the shape of the bucket.

When the answer is heard, it resonates with the same pure, unclouded awareness-God-love in the apparent other. That is, presence recognises itself. At this stage the bucket dissolves and only pure, unclouded awareness-God-love remains – no teacher, no student, no teaching, no question, no answer.

With love,


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