Everybody is searching for fulfilment or happiness through knowledge, activities, relationships, God, enlightenment. At some point, we recognise that what we deeply long for cannot be found where we are seeking it. The very search is the denial of the One. The apparent Self who would seek fulfilment, enlightenment, union with God, is merely our deep impulse of seeking, resisting, becoming, desiring, longing. This impulse, can never be fulfilled, only undone. What we do here is really ‘non-doing’, the relaxation of this impulse. Our longing for happiness, fulfilment, meaning, understanding, God, enlightenment is really the ‘memory of oneness’ calling us back into itself, our original condition, where there is no lack or sorrow. More like a nostalgia for something we have always known than a search for something new. Every undesirable feeling is the One calling us back to itself. In the absence of seeking and resisting, the One is shining.
Duration: 50:59