Imagine the space you’re in before your home was built and in the future when it’s eventually demolished. At any time, did or will the fundamental nature of the space change? No, it has been and will remain unlimited, infinite. The same is true of our being, infinite being. If we stay close to the experience of simply being, we see it is ever-present. Searching for happiness in objective experience or enlightenment from spiritual practices, teachers, etc. take us away from our self. Here we just go directly to our self, infinite being. We cannot approach or find that – we are that. Magnify the ‘I am’. Make it your home, your identity. Just as there’s no part of interior experience not pervaded by the amness of being, so there is no part of the world not pervaded by the isness of being. Amness and isness are just two different perspectives of the same being.
Duration: 01:01:33