It seems meditation takes place in-between waking-state activities, but our natural condition is simply being, or being aware, and the waking state is intermittent. Just as the screen doesn’t exist in the time and space that seem real to a movie’s characters, and yet it is their sole reality, so being aware does not exist in the time and space that seem real to us as apparently separate persons, and yet it is our sole reality. Awareness transcends our space-time ideas. Enlightenment, meditation, recognising true nature, non-duality – such ideas pertain to the person we seem to be. The idea that a person could become enlightened is like believing that the sun lights up first thing in the morning and the earth has something to do with that. The sun of being is eternally shining, and we are that. Actually, there is no ‘we’ or ‘I’ to be that, but words are losing their meaning and we fall silent.
Duration: 57:27