Attention, like on a two-way street, can go outwards towards experience or subside inwards towards the heart of awareness. Meditation or prayer is simply the resting of attention in awareness. Just as, after a hard day’s work, we surrender the body to the sofa and it gradually comes to peace, we surrender the mind, attention, to the sofa of awareness and gradually its inherent peace infuses mind and body. Don’t discipline attention, let it go free. Be the space in which it arises. Everything that arises there is not only known by but made of awareness – therefore, no conflict between experience content and substance. Feel that thoughts, emotions, sensations are completely transparent to the space of awareness. Now, completely abandon the idea that you are meditating. Just feel, ‘I am being’? Need that be labeled ‘meditation’? Or is it what you essentially, effortlessly, are? The ‘non-meditation’ for which all other meditations are a preparation.
Duration: 59:51