There are three types of meditation: meditation on an object, meditation on the subject and non-meditation. The first two types of meditation – objective and subjective meditation – start with the assumption of separation. In the third type of meditation – non-meditation – we start as the being we essentially are and we remain there. Meditation on an object is a preparation for meditation on the subject, and meditation on the subject is preparation for non-meditation. The intersection between the eternal and the everlasting is the experience we call ‘now’. In other words, now partakes of both eternity and time. From the point of view of the mind, it is a moment in time. From the point of view of being, it is the ever-present and has no duration. Simply being is what we are before we are born, is what we are throughout our lives and is what we are after we die. It is what I am eternally.
Duration: 01:33:18
Audio cuepoints
Being Is What I Eternally Am
Duration: 01:33:17
There are three types of meditation: meditation on an object, meditation on the subject and non-meditation. The first two types of meditation – objective and subjective meditation – start with the assumption of separation. In the third type of meditation – non-meditation – we start as the being we essentially are and we remain there. Meditation on an object is a preparation for meditation on the subject, and meditation on the subject is preparation for non-meditation. The intersection between the eternal and the everlasting is the experience we call ‘now’. In other words, now partakes of both eternity and time. From the point of view of the mind, it is a moment in time. From the point of view of being, it is the ever-present and has no duration. Simply being is what we are before we are born, is what we are throughout our lives and is what we are after we die. It is what I am eternally.