Just as the sun illuminates itself without requiring any other source of light, our essential nature of pure being knows itself without requiring any subject or object. Beginning with awareness of sensory experience and moving through increasingly subtle layers of breath and sensation, we are invited to recognise being itself – more transparent and intimate than any object of experience. Though usually overlooked in favour of thoughts and perceptions, being is both our most ordinary experience and our highest knowledge. When stripped of all qualifications, the simple ‘I am’ stands revealed not just as our deepest truth, but as the divine name itself, the ultimate knowledge before which the mind falls silent in recognition of its own sacred nature.
Duration: 58:29
Audio cuepoints
The Divine Name of Being
Duration: 58:29
Just as the sun illuminates itself without requiring any other source of light, our essential nature of pure being knows itself without requiring any subject or object. Beginning with awareness of sensory experience and moving through increasingly subtle layers of breath and sensation, we are invited to recognise being itself – more transparent and intimate than any object of experience. Though usually overlooked in favour of thoughts and perceptions, being is both our most ordinary experience and our highest knowledge. When stripped of all qualifications, the simple ‘I am’ stands revealed not just as our deepest truth, but as the divine name itself, the ultimate knowledge before which the mind falls silent in recognition of its own sacred nature.