A description of different paths back to the recognition of our true nature
Duration: 13:04
The Fullness of Experience Is the Emptiness of Consciousness
A suggestion to aid in the acclimatisation process after the discovery that experience is only luminous knowing
Duration: 09:59
The Religion of Materialism
A conversation about why there is no experience that can take place outside of consciousness and a commentary on the materialistic paradigm
Duration: 10:58
The Teaching Needs No Words
Rupert conveys how much of the teaching takes place below the threshold of the verbal mind and how our questions can be answered without having asking them ourselves
Duration: 27:12
Audio cuepoints
The Tunnel to the Self
Duration: 13:05
A description of different paths back to the recognition of our true nature
The Fullness of Experience Is the Emptiness of Consciousness
Duration: 09:59
A suggestion to aid in the acclimatisation process after the discovery that experience is only luminous knowing
The Religion of Materialism
Duration: 10:57
A conversation about why there is no experience that can take place outside of consciousness and a commentary on the materialistic paradigm
The Teaching Needs No Words
Duration: 27:12
Rupert conveys how much of the teaching takes place below the threshold of the verbal mind and how our questions can be answered without having asking them ourselves