In this meditation we begin by establishing ourself as the open, empty, inherently peaceful presence of awareness. We then turn our attention to our experience of the body as it is naturally and effortlessly divested of concepts or images, leaving only the raw experience. Next we invite feelings of lack or suffering to come out of hiding. We find when we bring our suffering close, so close that we no longer know what it is, it is divested of its afflictive qualities and revealed as happiness itself.
Duration: 01:22:23
A Non-Dual Approach to Managing Distractions
A woman who has been on the spiritual path for fifty years expresses frustration that she frequently becomes distracted by experience and forgets her true nature.
Duration: 10:31
A Non-Dual Approach to Fear and Insomnia
A woman asks Rupert for guidance managing intense fear and anxiety that causes insomnia at night.
Duration: 10:58
When Does the Cycle of Reincarnation End?
A woman asks at what point someone is sufficiently enlightened that they will not be born into a new incarnation.
Duration: 08:29
Audio cuepoints
Suffering Is Made of Peace
Duration: 01:22:22
In this meditation we begin by establishing ourself as the open, empty, inherently peaceful presence of awareness. We then turn our attention to our experience of the body as it is naturally and effortlessly divested of concepts or images, leaving only the raw experience. Next we invite feelings of lack or suffering to come out of hiding. We find when we bring our suffering close, so close that we no longer know what it is, it is divested of its afflictive qualities and revealed as happiness itself.
A Non-Dual Approach to Managing Distractions
Duration: 10:31
A woman who has been on the spiritual path for fifty years expresses frustration that she frequently becomes distracted by experience and forgets her true nature.
A Non-Dual Approach to Fear and Insomnia
Duration: 10:57
A woman asks Rupert for guidance managing intense fear and anxiety that causes insomnia at night.
When Does the Cycle of Reincarnation End?
Duration: 08:29
A woman asks at what point someone is sufficiently enlightened that they will not be born into a new incarnation.