The fundamental quality of everyone and everything, including God, is the same isness, the same being. Before any quality is added, being is indivisible, unlimited. Being, the fundamental aspect of everything, cannot stand apart from anything in subject–object relationship. Therefore, the only thing being can say is, ‘I am’. Being itself is whole, homogeneous, indivisible. In our hearts, we know we must step out of all traditions, even ultimately humanness. We are just infinite being clothed temporarily in human experience. Those worldwide who’ve embraced this understanding have courageously stepped out of their conditioning, tradition, or affiliation with a teacher/teaching. Someday, scientists and philosophers will stand up and say all that is true is ‘I am’. What does being have to do to be being? What do I have to do to be the I that ‘I am’? In the ultimate surrender, God loses its last vestiges of objectivity and shines as ‘I am’.
Duration: 58:57