The distinction between being and existence is important for transitioning from contemplating being to living fully in the world. Existence stands out from the background of being, like a movie to a screen. The finite mind’s thought and perception draw existence out of being, making being appear as thoughts, feelings and the world. Nothing truly exists independently from being; all seeming things owe their reality to infinite being. Perception filters and distorts the infinite, making it appear finite. Initially, one may need to turn away from the world to recognise being, but once clearly seen, the world shines as being. In conventional life, existence takes precedence; in spiritual life, being outshines existence. With understanding, being and existence reconcile harmoniously. Attention comes to rest, going where required by circumstances. In letting go of the finite and infinite, everything remains the same yet changed. One returns to experience with peace and love.
Duration: 01:16:22