In this meditation we explore in our own experience how the inward-facing path seamlessly merges into the outward-facing path. During the inward-facing path, awareness disentangles itself from experience. Once we have recognised ourself in the background of experience, we begin to turn our attention again to the foreground, but this time without allowing experience to obscure or veil or endarken the light of our being. Whereas previously our being was outshone by experience, now we discover there is no part of our experience that is not saturated with ourself, God’s presence.
Duration: 01:42:17
Audio cuepoints
Our Being Shines Through All Experience
Duration: 01:42:17
In this meditation we explore in our own experience how the inward-facing path seamlessly merges into the outward-facing path. During the inward-facing path, awareness disentangles itself from experience. Once we have recognised ourself in the background of experience, we begin to turn our attention again to the foreground, but this time without allowing experience to obscure or veil or endarken the light of our being. Whereas previously our being was outshone by experience, now we discover there is no part of our experience that is not saturated with ourself, God’s presence.