Just as space in a room needs no liberation from walls or objects that seem to contain it, our being requires no liberation from thoughts, feelings or bodily experience. Space remains unchanged before a room’s construction and after its demolition – it is inherently free. Similarly, our being is the same before birth and after death, never undergoing any change. Though we seem to fall asleep to our true nature in the waking state, traces of our essential being remain as the feeling ‘I am’, shining through even our darkest moments as a portal between the finite and infinite self.
Duration: 54:36
Audio cuepoints
No Need for Liberation from Experience
Duration: 54:36
Just as space in a room needs no liberation from walls or objects that seem to contain it, our being requires no liberation from thoughts, feelings or bodily experience. Space remains unchanged before a room’s construction and after its demolition – it is inherently free. Similarly, our being is the same before birth and after death, never undergoing any change. Though we seem to fall asleep to our true nature in the waking state, traces of our essential being remain as the feeling ‘I am’, shining through even our darkest moments as a portal between the finite and infinite self.