Through thinking and perceiving awareness refracts itself into a diversity of names and forms. In meditation or prayer, we leave awareness alone with itself. Awareness’s primary experience is being its aware self – no subject-object relationship, no practice required. Meditation would be something a finite mind did to become awareness, which a finite awareness practised to become infinite. But there is no awareness other than infinite awareness. Awareness does not need a teacher or teaching to be and know itself. There is no other awareness, either to be darkened by experience or to be enlightened by practice. The thinking and perceiving finite mind borrows selfness from infinite awareness. Awareness needs no liberation from the mind and body, as it is already infinite and free – in its own experience, it’s inherently peaceful, motionless, still, silent and utterly imperturbable. Awareness lacks nothing. Its inherent fullness is what humans know as happiness, a causeless joy unrelated to experience.
Duration: 01:04:32