In deep sleep, the body rests in your bed, and the mind rests in awareness – that is the essence of meditation. We normally think reality appears most clearly and accurately in the waking state. The dream state seems a distortion, and deep sleep the temporary absence of waking-state reality. Consider that this view is backwards, that in the waking state, we really fall asleep. And that when we fall asleep, we wake up. But the light of awareness is always awake, always shining. In the dreaming and waking states, awareness veils itself as it divides into a multiplicity and diversity of subjects and objects, and we seem to become one of those subjects. When it becomes clear that the dreaming and waking states are just modifications of the luminous emptiness of deep sleep, the waking and dreaming state forms lose their veiling power. Whether waking, dreaming, or sleeping; it is all the same reality.
Duration: 01:01:58