Imagine the universe billions of years ago, before there were objects. Simply vast, open, aware space. Nothing exists within this unlimited space to contrast with anything else. The name of this space is 'I' which is the name of anything which knows itself. What is the first thing you can say yourself as this space? I am. I am is the first knowledge of awareness of and as itself. God's presence shines in each of us as the experience 'I am.' The experience 'I am' is like a candle in the wind. Guard it carefully.
Duration: 01:13:45
Audio cuepoints
Infinite Being Shining As I Am
Duration: 01:13:46
Imagine the universe billions of years ago, before there were objects. Simply vast, open, aware space. Nothing exists within this unlimited space to contrast with anything else. The name of this space is 'I' which is the name of anything which knows itself. What is the first thing you can say yourself as this space? I am. I am is the first knowledge of awareness of and as itself. God's presence shines in each of us as the experience 'I am.' The experience 'I am' is like a candle in the wind. Guard it carefully.