Be still and know that ‘I am’ is God's presence in our hearts. As human beings, we have two births; the first into the body and world and the second out of the body and world. The first birth is accomplished naturally; the second birth requires our cooperation. The infinite, clothed in thoughts and feelings, seems to become a separate self. Everything the apparent individual does is ultimately initiated by this desire to be relieved of the wounds of separation. The idea of a creator God is simply the finite mind’s way of accommodating itself in its vision of reality. Sooner or later, this whole model of the mind, body, world, and the creator God that contains and creates it all, collapses. There is this revelation of oneness. From the point of view of the individual, the world veils its reality. From the point of view of the One, the world shines with its reality.
Duration: 01:27:58