The experience ‘I am’ is unique, unmediated by the finite mind, and representing absolute truth. All other truths are relative to the finite mind. The knowledge ‘I am’ is God’s experience of itself. It is the first and last form of knowledge in the finite mind, representing the highest truth. When qualified by experience (e.g., ‘I am a person’), ‘I am’ no longer represents the infinite but the finite. The knowledge ‘I am’ is a portal through which the infinite loses its freedom and the finite regains it. The name ‘I am’ is the highest formulation of absolute truth – the highest mantra, surpassing all others, as it is what the infinite says of itself. If attention is pulled back into experience, quietly sounding the divine name once can return one to its referent. Over time, a gravity well of peace develops, drawing one back into itself whenever attention is not required by the world.
Duration: 59:26