Each of us can say with absolute certainty, ‘I am’, which is God’s name in each of our minds. Awareness knows itself directly. The human mind consists of two faculties: perceiving and conceiving. To be aware of simply being, we must turn away from our perceptions, thoughts and feelings. It only seems to require an effort for those of us who are accustomed to giving our attention to the content of experience. That effort is what's referred to as self-enquiry, meditation or prayer. Every experience of happiness is the shining of our true nature, of God's presence. Happiness is not caused by the acquisition of objects, substances, which simply puts an end to the seeking activity of our minds. In that brief ending of the mind, our true nature shines. The ultimate desire is to desire the end of desire. There is happiness concealed and happiness revealed, but never the absence of happiness.
Duration: 01:12:04