This meditation guides us to focus on our essential being, emphasising awareness of ‘I am’ over the distractions of external experiences and thoughts. We disentangle ourself from the content of experience to discover the ever-present ‘I am’. We recognise that ‘I am’ is our most fundamental and unchanging essence, not bound by any specific experience. By keeping the ‘I am’ free from associations, it pervades all aspects of our life without limitation, becoming an infinite, boundless presence. Meditation is like falling asleep; as we transition from the waking state to dreams and eventually deep sleep, the ‘I am’ remains constant. This process is likened to the shedding of layers of experience. Ultimately, meditation unveils our true nature, allowing us to remain deeply awake in everyday life, even amidst chaos, by keeping our attention on the serene, ever-present ‘I am,’ a profound, inextinguishable source of peace and self-realisation. We die whilst remaining alive.
Duration: 01:10:29