What is the first thing I know about the universe? I know that it is. When we say ‘The universe is ancient’, our knowledge of the universe is conditioned by thought. When we say, ‘The universe is vast’, it is filtered through perception. What is our knowledge of the universe before it is filtered through thought and perception? Remove everything that thought and perception confer on the universe – the idea of it, the sight, sound, taste, smell and texture – and what remains? Simply the knowing of being. No difference or distance between what knows and what is known. It finds only itself. This absence of anything other than itself is love. If we ask being, ‘What is your experience of yourself?’ it would remain silent, or say ‘I am’. With infinite love, it would say ‘Please don't ask me to come down the mountain to where you are. Come up the mountain to where I am’.
Duration: 01:30:39