The fragrance of deep sleep lingers in early morning meditation, suffusing the waking state with peace. Boredom arises when the mind, accustomed to experiencing objects, perceives the inherent peace of being as a blank, boring object. To escape this boredom, the mind takes off into past or future. From being’s own point of view, deep sleep is not boring but peaceful. In deep sleep, our being is at peace, needing and lacking nothing. Most people believe deep sleep is the absence of awareness, but it is actually the awareness of presence, of being. Like someone who one day notices the absence of a painting on the wall, the mind sees being as boring with reference to previous experiences. But like someone else who sees only the wall’s presence, being is aware of itself without reference to experience, finding nothing missing or lacking. What is boredom for the mind is pure peace for being.
Duration: 56:37