If meditation was a mind activity, it would start and stop along with these sessions. But in this approach, meditation is our natural condition irrespective of experience. We, awareness, not only know our experience but all experience arises within us. What could know the nature of awareness? Only awareness is aware. Therefore, only awareness knows anything about itself or anything. If we ask awareness, ‘what is your experience of yourself?’ it might say: ‘I am temporary, finite, will die with the body.’ And so on. But if we say, ‘No, look at just the pure experience of being aware’, awareness would cease looking at content and say, ‘I am limitless, infinite, not contained in anything. Everything is contained in me.’ Thought may venture into past and future, but we, awareness, are ever-present now. Happiness does not alternate with unhappiness; it is awareness shining in and behind all experience. Happiness is experiencing true nature’s sufficiency.
Duration: 58:27