This intimate, impersonal being we essentially are, temporarily clothed in personal experience, produces the person we seem to be, just as infinite physical space plus the walls of your house, create your unique room. The deep intuition that we share our being in spite of apparent separation is the experience we refer to as love. There are not numerous, similar ‘I am’ experiences. There is only one – infinite being’s experience of itself. What’s the difference between the experience to which God refers and the experience to which you and I refer, when we say, ‘I am’? There is no difference. The amness of our self and the isness of things are the same being. Everyone and everything shining with being, announcing being, celebrating being, adoring being. From God’s point of view, there are no others from whose point of view ‘God is’. Therefore, the knowledge ‘I am’ is even higher than the knowledge ‘God is’.
Duration: 59:49