Awareness is space-like, accommodating all experience within it, but not an experience itself. Allow all experience to flow through the luminous, empty, space-like presence of awareness. Awareness, like physical space, is never harmed or changed by experience. Most experiences flow through awareness without a trace, but some get stuck – those we want to hold on to or get rid of. Let go of everything. Let everything flow through you. This does not imply there are no pleasurable or unpleasant experiences, nor that they shouldn’t exist. It means we shouldn’t hold on to them. Awareness allows and lets go of everything simultaneously, remaining at peace. To test if you are established in awareness, ask if anything can hurt or upset you. Awareness is pure sensitivity, open to everything, holding on to nothing, and thus never hurt. It is always at peace, feeling everything but resisting nothing. The highest spiritual practice is no practice.
Duration: 59:34