The world’s a dumbed-down version of reality, borrowing its appearance from our mind and perception but owing its reality to the infinite. Knowing this, we treat the world and all beings accordingly. Forgetting this brings conflict and sorrow. Eventually, we must see the world as an appearance of the One, treating everyone and everything as such. Falling asleep within our dream and localising ourselves as separate individuals amid diversity, we render our infinite potential in form through thinking and perceiving, but at the cost of forgetting our true nature. We feel an ache of longing that nothing in manifestation can satisfy. Though hints of the One pepper our experience, we overlook or misinterpret them. Do nothing with this understanding. Let it work within you. Ask yourself: If all my thinking and perceiving were removed, what would remain? Whatever that is, it’s where we stand as the One. Love everyone and everything as that.
Duration: 59:12