The Light of Pure Knowing
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June 2021
Box set: MP3 audiobook and ebook (EPUB & PDF formats)
ISBN 978-0-9929726-5-3


The Light of Pure Knowing

Thirty Meditations on the Essence of Non-Duality
The Light of Pure Knowing
Digital edition (audiobook & ebook)
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June 2021
Box set: MP3 audiobook and ebook (EPUB & PDF formats)
ISBN 978-0-9929726-5-3


18 hours of guided meditations on the essence of the non-dual understanding.


Originally published in 2014 as a box set including six MP3 CDs with a book of transcripts of the spoken meditations, The Light of Pure Knowing is now available in digital format as a download featuring an 18-hour MP3 audiobook and an ebook of the transcripts.

The guided meditations in The Light of Pure Knowing were transcribed, catalogued and selected from hundreds that Rupert Spira gave over a period of three years, from 2011 to 2013. They are a deeply contemplative and profound exploration of the non-dual nature of our experience, and they have the power to take the listener or reader back to the source from which they arise. You will not encounter philosophy here, but a journey into the most essential and ever-present nature of our experience – pure Knowing, the truth of our own Being – free from the thoughts and feelings that the mind superimposes upon it. 

Those familiar with traditional teachings will recognise both the Vedantic approach, which, through reason and discrimination, separates out the eternal reality of all experience from its changing appearances, and also the Tantric approach, in which the entire realm of experience is known and felt to be shining with the light of pure Knowing. 

However, no previous philosophical, religious or spiritual orientation is required for these contemplations, for they offer a contemporary, original and highly experiential approach to the essential nature of all experience, free from all traditional religious or spiritual dogma. 

Download includes MP3 audio files and ebook in two formats: EPUB and PDF.


'The reader of these words may be reassured because Life has placed in their hands, in the form of this book, the golden thread that will enable them to trace their way back to the source of intelligence, love and beauty in themselves.’ 
– Francis Lucille, Author of Eternity NowThe Perfume of Silence and Truth Love Beauty 

'Rupert Spira is one of the finest non-dual teachers of the present time. His penetrating insights into the nature of Awareness, delivered with exceptional clarity and eloquence, take you straight to the heart of Advaita. These meditations, delivered without any esoteric language or metaphysical baggage, show that awakening to our true nature can be as simple as it is profound. They gently guide us to a recognition of the “I am” that is the unchanging essence of our Being, and the source of lasting happiness.’ 
– Peter Russell, Author of The Global Brain and From Science to God 

'In The Light of Pure Knowing, Rupert Spira, one of this generation’s pre-eminent teachers of non-duality, invites us to intimately investigate the heart of our direct experience. These highly original, spontaneous and beautifully crafted guided meditations guide us first to discover the Great Death of being the empty, open and luminous knower, and then the Great Rebirth of being pure Knowing. They are specifically designed to address the common discrepancy between what we know and what we actually feel in the body, the stronghold for the separate sense of self. I highly recommend this brilliant, elegant and potent set of meditations.’ 
– John J. Prendergast Ph.D., Senior Editor of The Sacred Mirror and Listening from the Heart of Silence and Professor of Psychology (Emeritus), California Institute of Integral Studies 

'In this remarkable book of meditations, Rupert Spira removes the veil from our true Self, and uncovers unseen yet ever-present aspects of our essential nature of pure Being. The Light of Pure Knowing is an invitation to a potentially life-changing investigation into the nature of our experience, and is a profound contribution to the changes that are currently taking place in the human mind. If our species is to move towards a new and better understanding of ourselves and the world in which we live, Spira’s teaching is surely a central and guiding force: this book is an eye opener and an exciting tour guide into an inspired life.’ 
– Lothar Schäfer, Author of Infinite Potential – What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live and In Search of Divine Reality – Science as a Source of Inspiration

Amazon Reviews

★★★★★ I like this book because it’s set up in clear concise…
Just as I am, reviewed in the United States on 28 March 2018
For anyone into Advaita Vedanta or Non-duality, Rupert Spira has got to be the clearest voice of millennia, not only blazingly clear and providing insight into mysteries which some of us have pondered for years, but also in such a way that leads to direct experience. I like this book because it's set up in clear, concise 'sayings' rather than the ongoing dialogue which is also great in Rupert's other books but sets this one apart.

★★★★★ Beautiful book
Jessica, reviewed in the United Kingdom on 11 January 2017

Rupert Spira is the best teacher of non-duality that I have come across. His words are poetic and profound, and this little book is an absolute gem. With each word, I find my ego dissolving and becoming more in touch with reality. He is changing my life and my perspective and I hope to have the pleasure of thanking him in person one day.

★★★★★ One of the best teachers I have discovered in many years
Lindissa Farnham, reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 September 2016
One of the best teachers I have discovered in many years. This little gem of a book gives a synopsis of Rupert's teachings in short paragraphs which are very easy to meditate on. Would highly recommend this and all of his other (longer) books to anyone.

★★★★★ Rupert shines in these words of love. The clarity and simplicity is unmatched in the world of the non-dual teachers.
Kim M, reviewed in the United States on 4 December 2016
Rupert shines in these words of love. The clarity and simplicity is unmatched in the world of the non-dual teachers.

★★★★★ I like this book because it's set up in clear concise.
Just As I Am, reviewed in the United States on 28 March 2018
For anyone into Advaita Vedanta or Non-duality, Rupert Spira has got to be the clearest voice of millennia, not only blazingly clear and providing insight into mysteries which some of us have pondered for years, but also in such a way that leads to direct experience. I like this book because it's set up in clear concise 'sayings' rather than the ongoing dialogue which is also great in Rupert's other books but sets this one apart.

As the trees, fields and sky shine with the light of the sun, see that your experience shines with the light of pure knowing.
Rupert Spira



18 hours of meditations for your smart phone or desktop computer.

MP3 track listing
  1. Our Essential Nature and Its Apparent Veiling
  2. Meditation Is What We Are, Not What We Do
  3. You Impart Reality to the World
  4. The Certainty of Our Own Being
  5. The Borderless Field of Pure Sensitivity
  6. Realigning the Body with Our Understanding
  7. Seek Peace and Happiness in the Right Place
  8. The Rejection of the Now
  9. Awareness Only Knows Now
  10. The Eternal Now
  11. Beyond Subject and Object
  12. The Empty Body of Pure Knowing
  13. The Second Awakening
  14. Be the Seeing, Not the Seer
  15. The Two Paths of Discrimination and Love
  16. One Dancer, Many Dances
  17. One Seamless, Intimate, Indivisible Substance
  18. True Meditation Never Ends
  19. Breathing In and Out the World
  20. Every Breath Belongs to the Universe
  21. The Heart of Experience
  22. The Essential Unity of All Experience
  23. The Open, Empty, Transparent Body
  24. The Infinite Field of Pure Knowing
  25. Emptiness Moving in Emptiness
  26. From the Body to Sensing to Pure Knowing
  27. Pure Knowing Outshines All Experience
  28. The Body as Luminous, Empty Vibration
  29. Enlightenment Is Not an Event
  30. The Light of Pure Knowing