Presence, Volume I

'Your self, Aware Presence, knows no resistance to any appearance and, as such, is happiness itself; like the empty space of a room it cannot be disturbed and is, therefore, peace itself.'
Rupert Spira
Presence, Volume I: The Art and Peace of Happiness is a collection of essays that deeply explore the nature of our self and the happiness for which we seek. These contemplations lead the reader to discover experientially that our self is not essentially the body or mind, but is in fact the aware being or Presence that knows them. When we stand knowingly as the witnessing Presence that we always are but have forgotten or overlooked, our self returns to its natural condition of open, empty, transparent Presence, and the peace and happiness that are inherent within it begin to percolate through all appearances of the body, mind and world.
'Presence is a profound and luminous book with great power and is obviously the fruit of many years of contemplation. These two volumes together are a relentless and utterly thorough examination of the nature of experience, exploring every square centimeter of the territory with absolute excellence and ruthlessly precise analysis. Their astuteness and clarity will be extremely exciting to those readers who are ready for the next steps in lifting the veil of separation, and I suspect it will become a spiritual classic that readers will savor slowly and return to again and again.'
— Victoria Ritchie, former manager of Watkins Bookshop and editor for Eckhart Tolle
'It seems that every generation produces a few unusually clear voices that call us back to our essential, undivided nature. Rupert Spira is such a voice, and the collection of essays in these two volumes are his songs, his hymns of remembrance and celebration. As with any song, we must be available to truly hear it. These overlapping writings are meant to be carefully pondered in order for their underlying, vibrant Silence to be heard and felt. Savor them slowly as you would a fine wine, a delicious meal, or an exceptionally beautiful sunset. Let the wisdom and love from which they come saturate you. Feel how they act on you. That in you which knows and loves the truth will respond to their call to come home to who you really are.
— John J. Prendergast, PhD, Professor of Psychology (Emeritus) at California Institute of Integral Studies, author of 'Listening from the Heart of Silence' and 'In Touch'.
Amazon Reviews
★★★★★ Direct Clarity
A Conscious Mom, reviewed in the United States on 16 June 2019
The most direct, clear treatise on non-duality I've ever read. Author pulls no punches and goes right to the heart of the matter in an easily digestible and comprehensible step-by-step discussion. Pulls you in and takes you deeper and deeper into the material. Will definitely be reading more from this author.
★★★★★ Shockingly and Beautifully Simple
Tony, reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 October 2017
As a yoga practitioner of many decades, this is one of the most awesome books I've read. Shockingly simple, the simplicity unfolded and reinforced paragraph after paragraph. As a complement to thought-free meditation, this tool for reflection / gyana yoga is a great addition to Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's 'I am That' (a yogic mystic that the author cites as an influence).
★★★★★ Recommended. I liked Everything!
Shirley G., reviewed in the United States on 15 March 2019
Rupert Spira is an authentic non-dual teacher. His skillful writing takes you to the heart of the experience of love and peace. I plan to read it many times, and now I’ve ordered Volume II.
★★★★★ Wonderful book!
Jenny E , reviewed in the United Kingdom on 3 April 2018
Undoubtedly one of the most lucid and intelligent teachers of non duality around. A book to read and savour. A beautiful unfolding of wisdom.
★★★★★ One of many of his great writings
Donna, reviewed in the United States on 9 November 2017
If this was to be my first book and Nonduality, it would’ve been too much. But now that I have been exposed to these kinds of teachings, Rupert's writings have opened the door to a very deep understanding, a knowing beyond even the mind and it’s thoughts, yet the essence of them. Highly recommend this book!
★★★★★ Crystal clear
Niranjanam, reviewed in India on 7 March 2017
Very clear and lucid analysis of the nature of experience. Sri Rupert Spira is definitely a great advaita master of this century. So much clarity. So much Love. So much gratitude.