Online Tantric Exploration Group

We will gather each week, for a period of approximately 30 weeks to engage in a Tantric exploration of abiding in the truth of who we are. Each week we utilize one of the 'yoga meditations' from the series entitled Transparent Body Luminous World.

We will continue meeting on Tuesdays through July. Though these gatherings are based on a series assembled by Rupert, and in a manner of speaking each of the meditations seems to build on the previous ones; we will allow the joining of new participants until August 8th. The series can be purchased online, with a discount offered to participants in the group; therefore it will be possible for people to review the content we have explored thus far. 

Should this series be of interest to you, kindly contact the organizer to register for group at your earliest convenience.

Note: should you be interested in joining such an inquiry after cut-off date, you could contact the organiser. At the least you would be notified of next offering, or potentially be invited to join the ongoing group.  

When we meet

Each Tuesday, 

3:30 PST arrival period, and a time to catch up with one another. 

4 PM "Yoga Meditation” lasting from 50 - 90 minutes

Followed by a time for sharing experience of this exploration.

Unspecified duration, though people are welcome to leave whenever they so desire.

Achille Lalonde