Products and Subscriptions

How do the subscriptions work?

Unlimited Streaming and Selected Downloads Monthly

The Unlimited Streaming and Selected Downloads monthly subscription allows you to stream anything on the website that is under the Media category, which includes all recordings of in-person, online and live-streamed retreats as well as webinars that are on the website.

You will also receive 8 download credits each month, and they will roll over to the next month if you don't use them. You can cancel your subscription anytime, and you will still have access to any remaining credits in your account that you have not used.

The credits can be used on anything in the Media section, which you can find by clicking on Media at the top of any page of the website. 

To use your credits, click on View next to any recordings in the Media section.

Then click on Buying and credit options.

And then Download (1 Credit).

Your recordings will then be available on the My Downloads page, which you can access via the drop-down by clicking on your name in the top-righthand corner of the website.

What is not included in the subscription is any of the live events or anything in the publications section of the website, such as audiobooks and ebooks.

Unlimited Streaming and Selected Downloads Annual

The Unlimited Streaming and Selected Downloads subscription allows you to stream anything on the website that is under the Media category, which includes all recordings of in-person, online and live-streamed retreats as well as webinars that are on the website.

You will also receive 96 download credits each year, and they will roll over to the next year if you don't use them. You can cancel your subscription anytime and you will still have access to any remaining credits in your account that you have not used.

The credits can be used on anything in the Media section, which you can find by clicking on Media at the top of any page of the website. 

To use your credits, click on View next to any recordings in the Media section.

Then click on Buying and credit options.

And then Download (1 Credit).

Your recordings will then be available on the My Downloads page, which you can access via the drop-down by clicking on your name in the top-righthand corner of the website.

What is not included in the subscription is any of the live events or anything in the publications section of the website, such as audiobooks and ebooks.

Unlimited Streaming Monthly

The Unlimited Streaming monthly subscription allows you to stream anything on the website that is under the Media category, which includes all recordings of in-person, online and live-streamed retreats as well as webinars that are on the website.

You can stream anything in the Media section, which you can find by clicking on Media at the top of any page of the website. 

To stream a recording, click on View next to any recordings in the Media section.

The recording will be displayed in a video player if there is a video option available; however, you can choose just to stream the audio by clicking on the Listen tab above the player.

Then click on the play button next to any recording you would like to watch or listen to. 

What is not included in the subscription is any of the live events or anything in the publications section of the website, such as audiobooks and ebooks.

Unlimited Streaming Annual

The Unlimited Streaming annual subscription allows you to stream anything on the website that is under the Media category, which includes all recordings of in-person, online and live-streamed retreats as well as webinars that are on the website.

You can stream anything in the Media section, which you can find by clicking on Media at the top of any page of the website. 

To stream a recording, click on View next to any recordings in the Media section.

The recording will be displayed in a video player if there is a video option available; however, you can choose just to stream the audio by clicking on the Listen tab above the player.

Then click on the play button next to any recording you would like to watch or listen to. 

What is not included in the subscription is any of the live events or anything in the publications section of the website, such as audiobooks and ebooks.

How to purchase a recording

You can purchase anything in the Media section, which you can find by clicking on Media at the top of any website page. 

To purchase a recording, click on View next to any recording in the Media section.

Then click Buying and Credit Options under the media player.

You will then see a pop-up window with a section: Purchase this media for streaming and download in video or audio format

Then you will see an option to purchase video or audio recordings.

After that, follow the instructions through the checkout process.